


Hey…. those were not my words! That was written in one of the British newspapers right after the 2004, reselection of the President. Later, they retracted and politically corrected their statement but that started the ball rolling and every since that time we have been dubbed with that name tag. To add insult to injury… other countries have jumped on the band wagon now and have begun to mimic those same remarks!

Considerable time has been given to this odious declaration and I’m beginning to believe that maybe…..just maybe….they could be right. For the life of me, I can not understand what is happening to the America people? Why aren’t we up in arms about what is going on with this war and the soaring oil and gas prices? Our history dictates that over the years we stood up and fought for the underdogs while waving the American flag and simultaneously singing “Yankee Doodle Dandy.”

So, why haven’t we stood up for ourselves on this one? I know that according to the President he has a God complex thing going on being that he has never made a mistake….and all but this is beginning to become ridiculous.

When one pledge allegiances to patriotism just who or what is he pledging his allegiances to….the flag, his country, or the idea of patriotism itself? Or is he pledging his all just to the person whomever holds and sits in the oval office? At some point in time, you have got to eventually ask yourselves where your loyalties lie. Sometimes, patriotism presents a conflict of interest that can become perplexed.

Recently, a comedian named Bill Maher had a special on HBO called, “I’m Swiss.” At first, I thought the title to be a little odd and offbeat but now it’s beginning to become quite clear to me why some people are now disassociating themselves from America and its people. One can feel the tension in the air when one travels abroad. There’s a feeling of resentment toward us now and we seem to be completely oblivious to the way the world is now viewing, feeling and treating us. As a people are we evolving into a callous and apathetic breed?

Those tax credits that you sold your souls for; the monies should be completely depleted by now; and if not then very soon considering the soaring rates of gas and oil prices. Has it not become crystal clear to you that you’re paying much more now in many ways including health packages than you were before the 2004 elections.

What is going on here… some type of mass hypnosis via a dissociation theory? Have we become a society of let’s “go along to get along” or “take the path of least resistance?’ Where did our vigor and strong will to uphold and do the right thing stance disappear to and will we ever be that type of people again?

go along to get along” or “take the path of least resistance”?

Where did our vigor and strong will to uphold and do the right thing platform disappear to and will we ever be that type of people again?

Chipping at the rights of a people by a government is historic and has happened to many races repeatedly; the Holocaust of the Jews and the Slavery of the Blacks just to name a few. It starts out with subtleness then progresses to what could become a Patriot Act of out government. Be a vigilant and wise generation and do not let this happen again because your children will be the ones who really will suffer the real consequences. One tries to optimistically believe that something this barbaric and horrid could never happen to them and while they keep their heads in the sands, wishing and hoping for a better day it soon becomes too late to stop it.

Are we sleepwalking and can’t wake up….or going through some type of Stockholm syndrome; because if you haven’t noticed it we are under seized. The usurped is by a government that perpetrated as a friendly which now has lost its’ credibility. But it’s time to take back our country and give our government an extreme makeover.

Everything has changed and is still changing. The news as we once knew it has been altered. We no longer hear the news as it should be reported….I mean we never really did but we did get the very best reporting from a number of reputable reporters. Now, we get the really, really watered down, edited version.

But that’s not to say that we do not have good reporters because we do. Some may become a little over zealous in trying to report the truth as they see it. Often with this administration being too eager might bring sanctions. Through no fault of their own newscasters have been muzzled and their stories suppressed uaually with penalties.

One of the Repubs sanction is a disappearing act. It’s called…”now you see it and now you don’t!” PUFF.…. and it’s gone just like that. The Republicans have given several performances in the past and I got to tell you that these guys; they are better than Al Capone and his crew!! ….I mean these guys are really good!! Usually, one of the penalties is to hit you where it really hurts and that’s in your pockets. Just ask a couple of Hollywood stars that did and said the wrong thing!...I bet Whoopi and the Dixie Chicks can sing you a song about it.

So, now we’re given pacifying and tepidly exciting stories like the endeavors of the space shuttle that stayed on the tube twenty-four seven. And I am not taking anything away from that because it truly was a spectacular sight to behold. The next most covered news event is the Aruba, Natalee Holloway case which is shown on the news with consistency. The latest is the newest controversial scintillating Tennessee jail break of the infamous “Bonnie and Clyde.”

By the way if you may recall, Bonnie and Clyde was a white on white team and not a salt and pepper mix. So the media’s spin was a tid bit off to a slight degree.

However, there was another story that was just as important and also demands continued news coverage like the space shuttle, the Aruba deal and the Bonnie and Clyde salt and pepper blend…..and that’s the story of the sixteen Marines that came back home in flag draped coffins.

Do you know that at least ten to eleven more soldiers have died since that time and as you read this article the numbers are continuing to soar? Why aren’t you speaking up about the troops that are being captured, tortured beyond human belief, maimed and in some cases just straight out slaughtered because of bad Intel. Is it because these are not your kids that are dying? Is that it….? Or is it because there is no profit in it for you? I don’t get it, I really don’t?

Then why have you driven around with bumper stickers that read “Support the Troops” when in reality you’re doing nothing to help these guys out by speaking to your Congressional leaders or calling your senators asking for these guys to be brought back home? Eventually, the numbers will grow really low then it will be your sons and daughters that will be in the same position as these guys? You feel that you’re in a safe zone but you’re not. That feeling of solace is just an temporarily illusion. Rumors of wars are heating up and you have your heads buried down deep. Do you actually think that the American people are any safer now then before the invasion of Iraq?

Among Iraq, Iran and Venezuela there are other countries that are whispering alienated innuendos against America and its people but we’re not listening. America also thinks that it can appease China by feeding it the crumbs from her table but even that too will wear thin. China is feeling her strength of military power and is beginning to flex her muscles. However, China did lose out on that deal to buy Whirlpool and Unicol which was a very good thing. Listed below are itemed thank you notices for the President to let him know that the American people are thinking about him.

Personal Thank You’s for being such a good peoples’ President:

1) Suppression of the Truth which led to the War along with all unsavory antics that are occurring on the Hill.

2) Middleclass struggling to keep Health coverage for their families.

3) The outsourcing of American jobs which is causing RIFs’ and layoffs in soaring numbers.

4) Opening up the Boarders to pay back a favor for a state’s Right to vote.

5) Lifting the ban off Assault weapons for NRA associates.

6) Persuasion of Pastors and/or Clergies to move their congregation to vote the Right way while believing in one cause and being hypocritical in others.

7) Short changing states that need proper funding in patrolling our Shipping Docks adequately and securing our Boarders.

8) Making devastating cuts in Medicaid, Medicare, School lunch programs, Schools programs, Section 8 Housing funds, Police & Fire Departments funds, Veterans Benefits and other programs that benefited the underprivileged.

9) Reneging on promises of funding made to the 911 Fire & Police Departments of New York.

10) Insufficient fighting gear in tanks, humvees, and body protective armor for our Armed Forces.

11) Lamed missions and unreliable, uncorroborated and insufficient Intel that cost lives. Moreover, sent on a mission with no strategic exit plan.

12) Destroying a country where Bin Ladden isn’t for personal agenda.

13) Avoided using the yellow pages to find out where he really is.

14) Reluctantly, increased death benefit package for fallen soldier families.

15) Signing into legislation one of the biggest money bills ever to beautify Highways and Parks while US troops still go without.

16) The $295 billion for Highways and the $300 million for bridge in Alaska that leads to nowhere and named after Don Young, Chairman of House-Transportation Committee.

17) The $2billion that was given away to Oil companies; one of the biggest pay off ever given in history.

18) Giving considerable time, patience and extreme care in alienating other countries.

19) Having the audacity and heart to go on vacation during one of the deadliest month for our US soldiers that are still fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan.

20) Lastly, but not least, the 1850 soldier lives that have been scarified in an unjustifiable war.

I applaud the Mother that sits right outside the President’s range as she waits for the President’s acknowledgment; a response that more than likely will not happen.

Iran’s message to America simply reads that it will continue to showcase its power and to make nuclear bombs in spite of any warnings. Also, emphasis should not be solely placed on our economic trading with China; we should be extremely mindful of her growing military powers. We should also keep in mind that China is much more advanced than America in its cyberspace capabilities in all areas.

Let’s give a “Hardee… Har…..Har” and a three loud cheers of “Hoorays” for a people’s President who thought nothing of himself and everything of the people who elected him to office to represent, help, work and fight for all.

And Mr. President, you thought no one would remember you or your legacy…Sir, how could we ever forget a man such as you? That will never happen! Oh yes, by the way have you heard the latest threat against the American people from Venezuela…..No? And man, the hits just keep on cominggggggg!

Thanks Mr. President for a job well done!

That’s right….and there you have it the AJ again signing off but keeping you…cued up on another episode of “As the World Spins on Capitol Hill.”


Rob C said...

"but that started the ball rolling and every since that time we have been dubbed with that name tag. To add insult to injury… other countries have jumped on the band wagon now and have begun to mimic those same remarks!" In fairness most of the world has been saying this for years. It's not (relatively) new.
PS - I think you mean ever, not every.

EniGma said...

I am a European. USA is disgusting. What a waste of this beautiful land. Vomit.

EniGma said...

I am a European. USA is disgusting. What a waste of this beautiful land. Vomit.

Scandalf said...

I am European as well and you are an intollerant, stupid and biased asshole.
I'm starting to get tired of reading these damn comments about Americans. Give it a break.